Saturday, February 23, 2008

more ocean dreams last night.

Painting waves again. Must be this book I'm reading, The Sea, the Sea, by Iris Murdoch. An eccentric loner goes to live by the ocean after a busy life in the theatre. He thinks he will write, and he makes a good start of it, but pretty soon the wheels start to come off the bus. I'm reading this really slowly because a) I don't want it to end, and b) it is starting to scare the bejeezus out of me!
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1 comment:

Cathie said...

What a talented lady you are, Jane. AND you quilt too!!! I'm happy to know you and NOW I know I can ask you questions whilest pursuing my own Dear Jane - which, I'm about ready to begin cutting, as I've done my research, selected my colors (for the most part) but am petrified!!! Kinda like you and your book!

Nice to meet you.